Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lesson 3 Recap

Our third Saturday School class on February 25 went pretty well. We were hoping that the students would finish their cardboard projects, but we only had two students who actually did. They all seem pretty interested and invested in their projects, which is great, but it is taking much longer than we had expected! We have decided that we will add a cardboard station as another studio center in addition to the printmaking station. This way, students will be able to work on either their prints or their constructions when they get to class earlier or have free time during class. Fast workers, like Gracie N., may also utilize these stations when they complete a project.

For me, this Saturday’s class got off to a rough start. I had a little incident with some ice, so started off the day a bit pre-occupied while trying to figure out what to do with my car. However, I realized that incidents like this are bound to happen while I am teaching and that I could not let this affect my teaching. I tried my best to put my worries aside and take care of what I needed in a separate area than where the students were working. I really think I was more shaken up than anything, so I had a hard time focusing despite my efforts. Fortunately, Jeff stayed attuned to and interactive with the students enough for both of us! I think it was a great learning experience for the both of us and I am really grateful Jeff could take care of his parts while picking up my slack. Thanks, Jeff and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

After last weeks lesson, I was nervous for class this week. Last week I felt as though the kids seemed to struggle a great deal with the project. This week they were going to be continuing the projects, so I was interested to see how they would handle the second go round. To try and deal with some of the problems as well as prevent more, we started with a discussion. The students seem to nervous talk about their struggles or problems. After some prompting though, they were able to open up a bit more. I think this session went well, as it was quick and let the students address their own needs. Some of which they might share with other students.

To my surprise they seem to work much faster and confident this week. Some of them even said that things seem a lot easier this week. Though I could still some of them struggle, it was pretty amazing to see how quick some of the other students were taking to it. A few students finished but they were working so hard that we are going to keep it around as a workstation for the upcoming weeks.

I think for myself, I felt much more comfortable this week. I finally am starting to get to know my students and it has created more comfort. I am pretty shy, but this week I was able open up more and have a pretty good week. The students also seem much more responsive and into the class this week. I think they were very excited to have a day for just work. There weren’t really problems with any students this week.

One student seems to have trouble interacting with others. He seems to have trouble knowing what to say around others. Does anyone know how to try and better this situation?

Also we will be having stations starting next class. What is a good one to introduce them and his idea?

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I think that you brought up a good point in mentioning, that as teachers have to be prepared for anything--our students and our own lives have many surprises. I think that you handled it really well in that you took your issue outside of the classroom and had Jeff interacting with the students. Your one student that has trouble interacting, maybe try and doing a class community building activity, don't be afraid to switch up the groups too! I think now that we're headed into the 5th week, I'm sure the shy student is a little bit more comfortable in the classroom so group activities shouldn't be too painful ; )
    You and Jeff are doing a great job, keep it up!
