Monday, February 13, 2012

tea p(ART)y with 3-4th graders

Did you notice a rich-mixed aroma of tea filled in this classroom last Saturday? What was happening there? Just looking at the completed artwork from the 3rd-4th graders is not enough to understand the embodied work process.

[Sense of the Classroom Space]
  • What does the art classroom look like?
  • How can art teachers stimulate students' curiosity to a new art activity as soon as they come into the classroom?
  • How can art teachers facilitate students' learning, creating diverse spaces?

[Sense of Art-making]: not just outcomes, but the processes

"Smell is better than taste."
  • What is happening in reality?
  • What are the things which you did not expect when you planned your art lesson?
  • How did you demonstrate, scaffold and improvise in your teaching and learning?
  • How can we make learning and teaching visible?

Katie's conversation with students (Video Clip!)
  • How do you know what your students learn(ed) and what they think of what they learn(ed)?
  • What can you respond to "I don't know"?

[Sense of Students]
  • Who are your students both individually and collectively?
  • Did you see how different their responses are to the same activity?
  • How do you respond to students individually? What should you consider to learn who each of the students really are?

[Teachers' HUMOR]
  • What are your strategies to make your students close to you in the first class?
  • How can you make something unexpectedly happened a small thing to your students?
  • How can you use something unexpectedly happened effectively in your teaching?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Myoungsun! This is a really cool post :) Fun day!
